ADHD Medication Policy




Prescription and management of ADHD medication for paediatric patients at our GP surgery

This policy aims to ensure the safe and effective use of ADHD medications in children.

Please review the following requirements:

  1. Psychiatric Evaluation and Diagnosis: Prior to prescribing ADHD medication, paediatric patients must have received a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation and diagnosis from a qualified psychiatrist. This diagnosis must be based on a face-to-face assessment.
  2. Stability on Medication: Paediatric patients must have been stable on their ADHD medication for a minimum of three months, at the appropriate dosage determined by the psychiatrist. Stability includes symptom control and absence of significant adverse effects.
  3. Shared Care Agreement: A shared care agreement between our GP surgery, the prescribing psychiatrist, and the patient's family will be established to ensure coordinated care and monitoring of the medication's effectiveness and safety.
  4. Regular Monitoring: Paediatric patients prescribed ADHD medication will require regular monitoring every three months by our healthcare team to assess treatment response, monitor side effects, and ensure ongoing stability.
  5. Annual Review with Consultant: Patients will be required to undergo an annual review with their private or NHS consultant psychiatrist to assess the continued appropriateness of medication and to ensure comprehensive long-term management.

We believe that adhering to these guidelines will promote the well-being and safety of our paediatric patients receiving ADHD medication. Otherwise, we may have to stop prescribing the medication due to safety issues. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to contact our practice manager.